Thursday, October 30, 2008

So, here is an update from my week. (I had vacation):

Visited with my psychologist on Monday. He is cool. He told me that I needed to go back on (and stay on) the medicine. He said I didn't do anything wrong, it was all the stress from work getting to me. My body isn't able to fight off the stress without help. I will call him again next week. I started taking medicine again on Mon. He said I would be feeling myself again in 2 weeks. I know Th. is glad to hear that too.
Dr. S. also told me that there are people that have diabetes and arthritis that MUST take medicine everyday of their life, in order to function. The only thing is, its my brain that doesn't process the stress without the help. He told me not to be too disappointed for too long. And I am really not. Now I know. I need the medicine.

AND I also found out that I eat horribly. We met with the nutritionist last week and I mostly only eat sugar. So, we are changing that now too. (I couldn't spell nutritionist...had to look it up on

Oh, IT SNOWED IN LOERRACH WHILE WE WEREN'T HERE!!! I wanted OUT of Bischofsgruen because they predicted snow from Wed on. In Frankfurt, where I was visiting E., it was just cold and rainy. But apparently it was super cold here! All my plants were still outside on the balcony. I brought them in when I got home.

I really do not like Deutsche Bahn (train service) today. I tried buying a ticket to get from E's apartment into Frankfurt, to get the train to Basel. The machines do not accept 20 or 50 Euro bills. Guess what I I get on the train and hope that no one is controlling for already know what happened. I get in the last wagen on the train and there isn't one train person, not two but 3 (!!!) fuckers waiting to control if everyone in the wagen had a ticket. So, instead of paying 3,60 for a 25 minute trip into Frankfurt, I paid 40!!!! I really don't like them today. I tried to explain that I was from out-of-town. I had no idea that the machines don't accept 20 or 50 Euro bills, but they were such Asses! WITH A CAPITAL 'A'.grr
Then when I finally got to Frankfurt, I stopped being so mad when I saw Starbucks!!! :) :) A grande vinalla Latte makes everything better. :)

That is about everything going on with me. Th. is getting home sometime tomorrow from Belgium. He has been in 4 countries this week: Germany, Holland, Belgium and (tomorrow he will being driving home thru) France. I was in the normal 2 countries for me: Germany and Switzerland. :) :) :)


Mel said...

I'm sending you an email from my other email address....just didn't want you to think it was spam. It's called, "What do you think?" Let me know if you didn't get it and I'll email again.

Cortney said...

hey, hope you are good! it'll be nice to have your husband home!!

Petree's said...

Hi Amber
Don't worry about being on the meds, you can't help it. I love you and I know how it feels to have a hubby in a different country every few days! Sometimes I just dont even ask where he's going!! Love you