Ok, just want to update on a couple of things:
First: Work
(We have a name for the co-worker that I have so many problems with: Noodle-head. She will be referred to, from now on, with this name. :)
So. It was only us this week at work. Noodle-head early shift, me late shift (Early shift: 6:30 - 3:30 and Late shift 1:00pm until 10). Mondays are bad days at work. We have to process all the production that went on through the weekend. Production even ran yesterday, a national holiday (with no celebrating...more on that later). So that means, on Monday Oct. 6th, I am actually processing 3 days of production. Ugh. But do-able. Thank God its me working and not Noodle-head. I came into work last Monday to chaos. I couldn't walk to my desk because of all the plastic boxes in the way. Noodle-head doesn't know how to clean up after herself. There were 5 EMPTY boxes placed here and there that she had not taken back downstairs. The plastic trash (after we have proofed the parts, some cannot go back onto the palettes. So we have trash) was over-flowing. And who cleaned up? Yahoo! You are so freaking smart: Amber! I also found out that she had 4 boxes of number signs that she had not brought back into the production hall. Who did that? Me, of course. So I spent my first 2 hours at work cleaning up after her. I asked her later how it went (overall, what happened...problems, annoyances, etc.). She replied: 'Stressful'.
So, I told her it was time for her to go home. That is late shift's job: to ask early shift how it was, then ok, I am taking over production, you start getting ready to go home. Her reply: "I would like to work more this week so I can go home earlier next week." WHAT!!?? I was speechless.
Here is the deal: her husband works at the company too, only on the metal side in Loerrach (we work plastic side in Weil). She wants to work longer (doing nothing) so she doesn't have to work as long next week, so she can see her husband. WTF!!??? They are now on opposite shifts for the next few weeks because we switched from working every-other-week shift change to 2 weeks early shifts and one week late shift.
I had a talk with her on Wednesday. I told her she needs to go home when she is supposed to, because there isn't enough for us both to do. I told her that if there is still product to be processed that she can give it to me and I will finish it. NOW I need to have another talk with her because, she is not doing the paperwork. She has time to do the paperwork, then she should give the finished paperwork to me and then asks me put them on the palettes. Jeez!! This kid is killing me!
Second: National Holiday (Oct.3) German Unification Day (when the Berlin Wall came down).
There are no fireworks, no parades, no celebration. It is just a day off from work. Then, everything is running again on Saturday. There were all kinds of politicians on the TV talking about it. There was one HUGE concert in Berlin, in front of the Brandenburger Tor:
THIRDLY: October 3 is K.B's Birthday!!!
I don't think there is a fourth. When there is, I will type again!
later gaters!
kyle says "happy bday to you too". thats what he said to everyone that congatulated him. hes so cute!! thx for remembering
the backyardigans are these little cartoon characters who go on adventures. i would not know who they were if i didn't have a 3 yr old, so don't think you are behind.oh yeah, they have ethnic names like tyrone, uniqua and pablo. kyle swears he can hear them through his stethiscope in my knees. pretty funny huh?!!
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